Smoothing Ragged Edges


Inner healing and a place of peace. ~Pat
This page is a place to go to look for a sense of peace. Look into your inner self and heal those ragged edges. Also about growth while surviving. Mending the heart while becoming strong and finding that inner peace. It is the basic hope that those who need, receive, each at their own level. Sometimes we all need a little support and a little hope, and my wish is this page provides it.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Happy Thursday!
With all the rain we keep getting, the lawn is growing faster than I can keep up with it! Garden is almost all in, a few more seeds and I will call it good.  The weeds have also gotten way ahead of me.  It think it will be a year of too much rain in the spring and not enough in the summer. I may be happy for what I get as not sure I will be watering much this summer. 
Thank you
Spirit Trails!
I have also had company, 5 days with my cousin and her husband when we did a bunch of work in the house. I have a friend coming tomorrow for 2 1/2 days, others just stop in for a bit, talk, go home. Seems like I am always doing something around here in between! Always something to do. Reminds me, I must go charge the mower starter. I hurt my shoulder and am using the self-starter. I have to admit, that makes life much easier. 
You have a great Thursday and I will try soon to go back to daily posts!!


Friday, May 24, 2024


Change and understanding
Change is definitely constant. My growth, healing and ability to change is totally up to me as well. I tend to procrastinate about technical things. I have found I just need to dig in and learn things because they are going to change whether I want them to or not.
Thank you Spirit Trails
Just as trying to understand someone's suffering and pain. It is hard to put ourselves into their shoes and know what they are feeling. Instead, just try and accept they are suffering something we may not be able to understand, accept that, and understand they are indeed suffering.  Go from that premise. 
It is time to get out into the garden and do some things, even though I don't want to and my shoulder is still giving me fits. I am enjoying staying in and 'puttering' on things I do want to do but are not as necessary right now as other things outside.  So... on that note, have a great Friday!! 

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Remember and forget
Thank you Spirit Trails
My cousin said to me this visit, I was more like I used to be. It is hard to get back to who you are when you were so busy being  what everyone else needed/wanted. It is not easy to forget who you are supposed to be nor is it easy to remember who you were.  
With all the rain, the weeds have gotten way ahead of me, then I hurt my shoulder falling, so that set me back even further. I have to figure what will get done gets done... the weeds may wait another month, or more!


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Past or future?
Thank you Spirit Trails! Spirit Trails! 
Very good point! It is so easy to react the same way we 'always do', and much much harder to stop ourselves and realize it is really not how we want to if we want to grow and change. 
Thank you Spirit Trails! Spirit Trails! 
This post goes well with the above one.  We want to heal but we need to be aware of our actions while it is happening!  
Between company and appointments I have not been posting regularly. Hopefully I can get caught up and start being regular at posting again. Have a great Wednesday! 


Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Thank you Spirit Trails
I had company for 5 days and now playing catch up and medical appointments.  I hope everyone had a great weekend and a safe Tuesday. There are storms coming for us Michiganders, so be safe!!


Wednesday, May 15, 2024


I certainly imagine life being different than it is. Especially since I fell and hurt my shoulder. It will be awhile before I can do what I was doing, but will manage to work around it somehow.  But back to imagining. I imagine myself being younger, doing what I could do.  Sometimes in a different place or a different life. I wonder if I am alone in that? 
Thank you Spirit Trails
I am trying to understand my journey. It seems to vary so much day to day I sometimes wonder. But, time will tell! 
I have company coming that will be here until Monday a.m. so I may not be posting until then. Especially since my computer will be going down and another one going up... with some changes. 
You have a great day this bright and sunny Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Getting out of my own way
Thank you M.G. Williams
We often stop ourselves one way or another. Our mind tells us we can't do that, we don't want to do that, we are afraid to do that. We procrastinate. The best things we can do for ourselves is literally get out of our own way!!
We can also feel so overwhelmed, too much to do so we do nothing. The above post works well with the other. We just have to do things a day, at task, or even a minute at a time!
Wishing you a great Tuesday!! 


Monday, May 13, 2024

I missed writing yesterday.  Meant to come back later in the day and do the post, but fell and hurt my shoulder... am managing but yesterday was in too much pain to type. Didn't give it another thought actually after that. But, I can move it a bit better without as much pain... can't raise it yet by itself. It will heal. Is not the first time for that shoulder.
Thank you Spirit Trails
I think it is called grace in motion.  Some days the feet do what they are supposed to, some days they don't. It just means figuring out a new way of doing some normal things. I am having the house blessed tomorrow and company coming Wednesday. Time to get busy since everything it taking 4 times longer than normal to do. 
Have a great Monday!!


Saturday, May 11, 2024

We speak with ourselves the most...
How many times have you said to yourself: Well, that was stupid. How did you manage to do that?!? Could you have answered with something more ridiculous? We don't realize how often we call ourselves names, talk down to ourselves, etc.  Start paying attention and make your talk positive and uplifting!
Thank you Spirit Trails


Friday, May 10, 2024

What we deserve?! 

Thank you Spirit Trails
I love what it says, but I also know there is a line between being proud of who you are, loving yourself and being vain and cocky. I think the key is to continue to be humble as you do the above.  I know it is difficult for me to do that. I have never been 'content, let alone happy' when I look in a mirror. We are our own worst critics... in things we do, think, say and about ourselves. 
Thank you Courage, Strength and Hope!
Yes! I hope you do exactly what she says above. I just got done with mowing the lawn and am giving my back a rest before doing a few things inside and calling it a day.  Have a great Friday, what is left of it!

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Self love
 Really a good point.  I believe we think it is a journey to arrive at, but I am also beginning to think it is choice daily. 
Thank you Spirit Trails!
I was hoping to mow today, but think between it is going to rain again and still too wet, will continue inside.  You have a great Thursday and enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Thank you Spirit Trails
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to get pulled into someone else's drama? Get involved in gossip? It is much easier to get pulled in than it is to get out. I am finding I almost need to get rude about it at times.  There is a difference between hearing someone who has problems than just listening to a recount of something that really didn't need to be shared. I want to ease your burden, but I can't take sides. I will listen, but to be a sounding board...
Thank you Spirit Trails
Oh if it were only that easy!  It is raining for the 2nd day in a row, so it is another day of working inside.  I have a list of things that I want to get done, we will see how far I get today! 
Have a great Wednesday!! 


Monday, May 6, 2024

Often we mistake one feeling for another. Grief and anger will intermingle. There is even a step in the grief process that is anger. For some of us it is difficult to distinguish what we are feeling on some of the negative ones. I believe it takes some real looking at and feeling what is happening. Neither do we want to do when it is negative.
The sun is shining again today and I will be heading outside to work. We are due to get 3 days rain this week, so this may be my last chance until Friday! Have a great Monday and coming week! 


Sunday, May 5, 2024

A Quiet Sunday Morning
Thank you M.G.Williams
May you have a calm, blessed, relaxing Sunday!


Saturday, May 4, 2024


Thank you Spirit Trails


Mirror mirror. Who is looking back at me?

I see an image whom I should know

But is not the girl who refused to grow.

Mirror mirror. Who is this person that I see?

Reflections in a world unknown, of houses, yards and trees.

I wonder as I look across and feel the soft warm breeze.

Do they have reflections that they just do not see?

Too busy to look both in and out or going by memory?

But in the wild, reflections float by...

Of trees, fluffy clouds and very blue sky.

There are no homes, no yards, not person one.

Just the forest of trees, white clouds and sun.

As I think about reflections both outside and within

I think back on life, of all that has been.

So many varied ways to see,

Reflections all around but also inside me.


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Smoothing Ragged Edges - B4

Friday, May 3, 2024

Thank you Spirit Trails
My morning disappeared into phone calls, orders for tomorrow when my daughter comes and generally 'poof'. The time flies... 
That first post is touching a spot today. It is hard to let the past go at times, more so than not I would guess. We can always beat ourselves up about something can't we? Time to let go of the past and forgive ourselves for whatever and let happiness in. 
That second one, I am the most content when I can get out and be in nature, doing whatever. Yesterday was finishing my book with coffee, in a rocking chair on the back deck. Did some work with the chainsaw and then relaxed (again). Today, I may actually do some yard work IF, the weather permits. I also have some errands to do... but then again, they can wait for tomorrow. A little at a time seems to be the way to go these days. Today is Friday, may your day be beautiful and move into your weekend with peace. 


Thursday, May 2, 2024


This is actually very sound advice. Especially if you have an overactive mind and overly sensitive. Simple statements, simple thoughts can send me into a nosedive and it all within my own mind. 
Thank you Spirit Trails
Thank you Living Life Happy. 
Thank you Free Spirited!
I am strongly tempted to brew another cup of coffee, put on a sweater and go to the back deck and enjoy the sunshine with a book! 
Have a great Thursday!!

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Who are you changing for? 

Thank you Spirit Trails
Change is difficult, both at the best of times and the worst. My hope is you are changing for you, not someone else. If you try to change for others  you are doing yourself a disservice. Chances are it won't stick and if it does, you may not be happy.  Be who you are and if you want to change, then do it for you. 
It seems to be what keeps the life in you positive...if you can find magic, you can find how many other things also make you happy. 
The sun is shining at least for a bit. I am going to head back to the woods for a little while and enjoy nature before it rains again! 
Have a great Wednesday!