Wow. How often does your day go as planned, let alone your life? Mine, rarely. I get up and make a general overview for the day but often it gets changed. Sometimes for a few minutes, sometimes for hours. I guess we don't live in a bubble. If I did I could plan and have it work the way I wanted.
Our life is more like a weaving...and each person is a thread. Perhaps I should say each living thing could be a thread in that weaving. Lets carry that even further. Each thing, living or otherwise that we come in contact with somehow each day could be a thread of a different color. Imagine what your weaving would look like. If we took out all of the other threads but people, the weaving would look much different.
There is a memorial service tonight for a very old friend who passed away. She was a thread in my weaving that showed up at different times over the last 30+ years. Sometimes she was there very predominantly, sometimes that thread was missing for months, even years. I know her life never went as planned. I am not sure how much beauty she found in life at the end. I know before she found it in things all around her, but not later.
I think the key is to find beauty in your life each day, go one day at a time and make the best of things. We are not in control of things, we may as well make the best of what we have and enjoy the life we have!