Smoothing Ragged Edges


Inner healing and a place of peace. ~Pat
This page is a place to go to look for a sense of peace. Look into your inner self and heal those ragged edges. Also about growth while surviving. Mending the heart while becoming strong and finding that inner peace. It is the basic hope that those who need, receive, each at their own level. Sometimes we all need a little support and a little hope, and my wish is this page provides it.

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Happy August!

I can't believe the summer is almost gone.  School in many places will be starting the end of the month.  It has been a hot, dry, with some drenches in-between.  Things seem to be at least 2 weeks ahead for the growing season.  My to do list is getting longer again instead of shorter. For a while it was almost all crossed out. 

So many posts that I come across make me stop and think.  Is that why I stay so busy?  What is it I am avoiding feeling?  Or thinking about? Those are very deep questions that while I wonder, I am not currently going to look for the answers.

I ran across this post this morning. It is so true.  How many of us look deeper than the surface unless we know that person?  How many of us use the surface (cover) to decide if we want to know more?  I had a wonderful priest who once said, we are like threads in a weaving. We each have our own color and as we cross with others, our weaving starts to take shape. Some come into our lives for a short time and others are there for our entire life, try and imagine what your weaving looks like. 

I checked on FB again today, still the same "non-recommendable status". Sigh.  That is my obsession right now.  

I will try and let you know when I get a different one.  That by the way is my 
'other' page on FB.  It is the one where my sideways humor and sarcasm comes out.  

Our family reunion which went on for years would have been this last weekend.  Since my uncle passed we stopped having them.  I keep thinking we need to restart, somewhere, which I am pretty sure means here... but I have yet to decide to do it or not.  

I have also been watching a young woman on 'watch' who just had her 8th child, makes her own breads, cheese, butter, they have a garden, cow(s), chickens and her house is very simplified and 'clean'.  By clean I mean uncluttered and clean due to being uncluttered. I am finding I am starting to go through, purge more and reorganize, thinking of painting my kitchen. I am sure things like this are why my list of things to do grows. Today is either (or both) going and picking up some used tin from a couple places to cover the wood pile and/or going out and picking the greens, washing jars and canning up a batch.  It has been on my list for the last 3 days, so far I have done a lot of other things instead of doing those two things.  

In saying that, I will close for today. Have a wonderful day doing something just for you!


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