Smoothing Ragged Edges


Inner healing and a place of peace. ~Pat
This page is a place to go to look for a sense of peace. Look into your inner self and heal those ragged edges. Also about growth while surviving. Mending the heart while becoming strong and finding that inner peace. It is the basic hope that those who need, receive, each at their own level. Sometimes we all need a little support and a little hope, and my wish is this page provides it.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Last day of September is upon us! 

I am thinking about the fact that today is the last day of September. I  wonder where the month went.  I am also watching the weather very closely as I still have at least a week of work outside to get done. Time certainly goes fast when you are busy. Too bad winter drags.

Blessed are they that see beautiful things in humble places... What an awesome way of looking at things.

Thank you Tiny Buddha!

Ok, so let's change that to 'today' since it is afternoon.  But the thought is there.  What is difficult is the letting go of negative things, either what people have said or you have said to yourself... and those negative things that have happened around you. Would it be ever so nice to be able to just let things go like that.  We can try, that is all we can do.

Thank you to Marc and Angel.

It is not our job to change anyone. We can teach by example. And, we are back to letting go again. I think that is what we can all practice each day. Letting go of something. Start small and see how it goes. Feelings, things, anything that is needed.

Thank you again to Marc and Angel

I have a folder of posts that I have already used on Smoothing Ragged Edges. Each day I pick a few to go here.  It seems the 'theme' today is between letting go, letting be and doing your best. Some I have passed by so many times I am beginning to think they are not to be posted. 

Thank you Natural Life.

And we will end today's post on a positive happy note.

Have a great Saturday!

Friday, September 29, 2023

It is Friday and the sun is shining.

I am trying to get all done this morning on line. So far so good. I am letting the sun dry out the grass and it will warm up a little, going to stack wood and maybe mow part of the lawn. 

While online this morning doing pages I ran across 2 other pages having problems with Meta.  It is such a shame. If you have people following pages, they are doing other things on FB and eventually do spend money. Which is the bottom line for FB. My other page I am getting a consistent "technical problem" while trying to work on it.  I so far have been able to work around it, but not sure for how long.

It is one thing to say that, a totally different thing to actually live it. Some cause a deep hole in your soul when they don't, or do but leave regardless. I am always surprised,  over and over, how much others can affect how we feel, see ourselves, react.  I guess that means we all have more growing to do.

Have a wonderful day!


Thursday, September 28, 2023

The last Thursday of September.

Thank you to SQMBP

Thank you to Created from the Hart

Thank you Steve Maraboli.

Thank you Tiny Buddha.

We all need hope. Is it something that everyone has? What is your opinion on that?

I know I have not said much for today, I spent all day outside splitting wood. It is done for the year. 

I hope you have a great evening.


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

 For you who are following the new wood cook stove and wood...

The winters wood has been totally resized, resplit and restacked for the new stove. The blackening came in today... will update with a new photo after it is done. 

Thank you Everyday Spirit!

I was almost celebrating-ly happy (I know it is not a word, but it is now.) around lunch time when I finished hauling, stacking, cleaning the area and covering the winter's wood. Gratitude 'big time'!! 

Thank you to the Holistic Psychologist.

Very true. But feelings are valid and happy feelings can come and stay for a little while or a long time.  Like how hours later I am still happy I am done with winter's wood. We celebrate with gratitude and happy feelings where we can these days.

I have also noticed while doing this, that the days are really getting shorter.  Sunset comes before I realize it now. 

Thank you Perfection Is Not Required!

Thank you  Power of Wordzig!

Thank you SQMBP!

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

 It is early yet, still dark.

I see an end to the wood.  Three more loads possibly coming, pick-up truck loads, but my winter wood pile is almost complete. I will finish resplitting today and hopefully get it stacked and covered. That's the plan. And we all know how well plans work out. 

Unfortunately we all carry our past with us, even if it is just because of how we are today.  Living each day instead of dwelling in the past is the goal.

Have you ever noticed how one thing that is said/done by someone opens up an entire different line of thought. I think being able to talk with someone about things helps all of us because of that.  

Daylight hit so I went out to work. While splitting wood I thought about how each piece is like a problem in our lives.  One piece will just pop apart, very easily and I can move to the next one.  That one didn't. It was twisted and it tore sort of... which reminded me that those are the bad problems which we can't just move on from right away. And then I laughed. Had anyone gone by close enough they would have wondered why I am laughing splitting wood. 

Thank you to Heartly Simple

Have a great day!! 

Monday, September 25, 2023

 Looks like it may yet be a rainy Monday.

Trying to find a theme for today. It is not working. Trying to find a subject to talk about. I am laughing, it is not working really well either. I am thinking my brain is taking a time out because my body is sore and tired. I have been out trying to get the wood pile of this winter's wood redone. As of now, all the wood is short enough and as of the end of tomorrow,  it will all be split enough and hopefully all stacked and done. Not quite sure as my cousin continues to bring me truck loads of wood to split and pile... but it may just go for next year or after. My stove blackening is at the post office.  Things are coming together all for that old fashioned wood cook stove I just 'had to have'. I still love seeing it there. I am very interested in seeing how much wood I go through this winter.

Without a doubt I will say yes to relaxation right now. 

I think it is hard for most of us to trust it will all work out. Faith says we let go and let God. I don't know about you but I often battle with that one. 

I tend to go in waves.  I go go go, then take a few days break because I must, then back to go go go.  Now perhaps if I changed that pattern to work reasonably and they I would not have to take a few days break to catch up. But I do work better under deadlines. I often self-impose them to make sure I get things done. Not the healthiest way to do things, but at times it is the only way to push myself to get things done. What do you do? You will also notice I only picked out a couple of those points to mention.

I enjoyed this one.  Read it top to bottom, and then bottom to top. Makes a difference but it is the same text. 

Thank you Muses from a Mystic

Thank you Tartan Lane!!

And to finish for tonight, I think I will bring us back to the trust. Yes, we know the author.

Good evening! 

Sunday, September 24, 2023

There is a difference.

Just posting a little tonight, as I am late, it is late... so shall we look at love?

Thank you Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life

Thank you to UniverSoul Women of Wisdom

Have a peaceful evening!!