Smoothing Ragged Edges


Inner healing and a place of peace. ~Pat
This page is a place to go to look for a sense of peace. Look into your inner self and heal those ragged edges. Also about growth while surviving. Mending the heart while becoming strong and finding that inner peace. It is the basic hope that those who need, receive, each at their own level. Sometimes we all need a little support and a little hope, and my wish is this page provides it.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

 Long days, short nights.

I have been sorting the wood for this winter for the last 2 full days now. Cutting off 2-3 inches on the ends of those too long, dragging those which are too large back to the splitter. I had thought, I can do that during the winter as they come along, but then, part of me thought... do you really want to be messing with them one piece at a time in the cold, wet, snowy winter? Nope. Unfortunately my back is not happy with my decision right now. It will adjust, or I will be forced to stop for a bit.

Thank you Attitude codes.

That was a random post that I have had and it just didn't fit anywhere... so it went there. Often I have kind of a thought process theme that I follow each day. Sometimes it is because of something that happened earlier in the day and other times it is because of what I have said and the post goes with it... and then there is that last category that something just pushes me to post a certain post. I think today is just random thoughts and posts!

Thank you Tiny Buddha

Thank you to Your BeautifuFulLife

Have a great evening and Good Night!


  1. Beautiful sentiments, and very on point for me.

    Thank you for caring.

  2. You're welcome. I am glad you found my rather unique train of thought last night helpful. My goal with Smoothing is and has always been to let those reading know someone cares and understands how they are feeling. Thank you for letting me know! ~P
