Dentist Day.... ugh
Yes, I will fully admit I detest going to the dentist. Next is the eye doctor. Prefer major surgery to either I think. I have always had a fear of dentists from as far back as I can remember. I was told, the first time in the dentist chair the dentist said I was uncooperative. They also noticed after my lip was bleeding and swollen so apparently he hurt me. I don't remember any of it, but just always have hated them pawing around in my mouth.
Just doing in one go so as to cause less pain.
A bit of skin comes off with the band-aid.
Which is quite painful, bleeds a bit and now requires a bigger band-aid.
When that band-aid was over a heart...
Pieces of the heart are torn off and the heart is irrevocably damaged. No matter what happens next that heart is never the same.
It will never love the same way, as deep, as completely, as trusting or with the same compassion. It is forever different.
No amount of time will be enough to fade the memory of that pain.
Oh, that heart might feel love, even intensely, maybe deeper, with more compassion and devotion... Might trust again... But that memory makes the heart unsure because it is not whole. Pieces of that heart are stuck on the band-aid torn off and cast aside.
It will always doubt why it feels at all.
The healing process isn't forgetting, it's not forgiving, it's not time... It's learning to accept that the heart is damaged and dangerous.
It's learning to be brave enough to have another band-aid over it.
For there are multitudes of meaning to the band-aid.
There are two sides that are sticky and the gauze in between that covers two hearts.
Next time...
I hope you talk to whomever can't make you happy either.
I would rather you make yourself happy before you chose another band-aid.
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